Stairway Crew Artbook is an art anthology series by nine individuals: Marissa Ouyang, Michelle Chiang, Joy Tian, Sabrina Lee, Jenica Leung, Bella Maglanque, Sandra Maglanque, Carmen Yang, and Sandy Wang. Originally known as Jarchelle, consisting of work by its founders: Joy Tian (J), Marissa Ouyang (ar), and Michelle Chiang (chelle), this series has since expanded to a larger group.
The idea for an annual publication began during a trip to Taiwan, where we wrote our dreams and aspirations onto a floating wish lantern. What we wrote ranged anywhere from "dye my hair before it all falls out" to "get a house", but somewhere in between was "publish a book". And here we are.
A new volume is released annually, and what started as a time capsule for our art progress now serves as a testament to our resolve and friendship, our dedication to living life to the fullest, and a reminder of how far we've come—not only as creators, but as people.
Adobe Indesign, Procreate, Photoshop, Lightroom
2023 Artbook

2022 Artbook

2020-21 Artbook

2019 Artbook

2018 Artbook